The consummate joys of plinking with Remington Target Ammunition 22 Long Rifle 40 Grain cannot be understated. The marginal recoil, unoppressive noise, and of course, the economy of the .22 have kept shooters happily making piles of brass for generations. Such is the intention behind Remington’s Thunderbolt .22LR ammunition line. Ideal for manual action rifles and revolvers, 22 target, the 40 grain Lead Round Nose (LRN) bullet has a muzzle velocity of 1250+ feet per second with 140-foot pounds of muzzle energy and is perfectly capable of cycling most semiautomatic firearms. This round is great for target and training but is also good for bagging small games and helping with pest control.
22 lr match ammo has been in the gun and ammunition business for over 200 years and is a name that is trusted and revered for quality and reliability. With such a long run, there are bound to be some hiccups along the way, yet the current run of Thunderbolt, however, maintains a proud reputation of dependability for 22lr match grade ammo and Browning 9mm Luger Ammunition 100 Rounds: just remember if you are going to shoot a couple of hundred rounds or more of ANY caliber, your gun is going to get dirty. This product is their bulk 22 lr ammo – a 5,000-round lot that is perfect for teaching the next generation or just keeping on hand for the zombie squirrel apocalypse.
**$150 off orders $1000+ Valid from January 28, 2025 to February 28, 2025. Offer may not be combined with any other offers or promotions, is non-exchangeable and non-refundable. Offer valid within the US only.
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