

Product Highlights



Specific Features

With Single Fire and perhaps the use of Scavenger / Bandolier, the M16A4 can be repurposed to become a rapid firing marksman rifle, which besides being able to bypass Anti-Sniper, is also able to accept the underbarrel Masterkey and M203 grenade launcher. Ammunition attachments is up to preference.

With Full Auto and Extended Mags, the M16A4 can be converted into a machine gun along the likes of the RPK, but at a tremendous cost of accuracy. The Laser Sight or Grip can help in improving accuracy.

Overall, the M16A4 is a surprisingly versatile starting rifle, being able to be repurposed for various roles, machine gun, marksman and assault rifle. Its poor ammo reserve of merely 90 rounds can be a problem, so Scavenger is almost always vital to keep fighting on the field.


Damage: 30

Accuracy (degrees of dispersion): 1

Headshot Multiplier: 2.1

Fire Rate (frames between shots): 4

Burst Rate (frames between bursts): 25

Penetration: 2

Mobility: 0.8

Range: 1700

Mag Size: 30

Reload Time (seconds):  2

Recoil: 0.8

Vision Modifier: 1.5

Unlock Level: 1


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